CSS Specificity
Start at 0, add 1000 for style attribute, add 100 for each ID, add 10 for each attribute, class or pseudo-class, add 1 for each element name or pseudo-element. So in the specificity value below would be 122 (0,1,2,2 or 0122): 100 for #content, 10 for .data, 10 for :hover, 1 for body and 1 for img.
- body #content .data img:hover
- The first digit (a) is always zero, unless there is a inline style attribute applied to that element.
- The second digit (b) is the sum of the number of IDs in that selector.
- The third digit (c) is the sum of the number of classes, attributes (like input[type="text"]), and pseudo-classes (like :hover) in that selector.
- The fourth digit (d) counts the elements (like table, p, div, etc.) and pseudo-elements (like :before, :after, etc.).
- The universal selector (*) has a specificity of zero.
- If two selectors have the same specificity, the one that comes last on the stylesheet will be applied.
CSS Selectors
Universal Selectors
The star symbol will target every single element on the page.
- * {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- }
The * can also be used with child selectors.
- #container * {
- color: gray;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE6+ | Yes | Yes |
ID Selectors
- #container * {
- margin: 0 auto;
- width: 960px;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE6+ | Yes | Yes |
Class Selectors
- .error {
- color: red;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE6+ | Yes | Yes |
Attribute Selectors
The attribute has to have the exact value specified.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
The attribute's value needs to be a whitespace separated list of words.
- div[class="container bordered"] {
- border: 1px solid #333;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
The attribute's value is exactly value or starts with the word value and is immediately followed by -, so it would be "value-".
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
The attribute's value starts with the specified value.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
The attribute's value ends with the specified value.
- /*******************
- Add a different icon next to each different type of file.
- *******************/
- a[href$=".jpg"] {
- background: url(jpeg.gif) no-repeat left 50%;
- padding: 2px 0 2px 20px;
- }
- a[href$=".pdf"] {
- background: url(pdf.gif) no-repeat left 50%;
- padding: 2px 0 2px 20px;
- }
- a[href$=".doc"] {
- background: url(word.gif) no-repeat left 50%;
- padding: 2px 0 2px 20px;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
The attribute's value contains the specified value.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
Child Selectors
.parent-selector > .child-selector
It allows you to target elements that are direct children of a particular element.
- .container > p {
- color: #333;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
Sibling Combinators
Adjacent Sibling Combinator: selector + selector
The elements in the selector have the same parent, and the second one must come immediately after the first.
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- .container h4 + p {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <h4>Heading</h4>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- </div>
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
General Sibling Combinator: selector ~ selector
The elements in the selector have the same parent, and the second selector doesn't have to immediately follow the first one.
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- .container h4 ~ p {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <h4>Heading</h4>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- </div>
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
Dynamic Pseudo-classes
There are two types of dynamic pseudo-classes: link and user action ones. The link are :link
and :visited
, while the user action ones are :hover
, :active
and :focus
IE6 only allows the :hover pseudo-class to be applied to link elements (a) and only IE8 accepts the :active state on elements other than links.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE6+ (IE6 only allows the :hover pseudo-class) | Yes | Yes |
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE7+ | Yes | Yes |
The Language Pseudo-class :lang()
It allows you to match an element based on its language.
- :lang(en) > a#flag {
- background-image: url(english.gif);
- }
- :lang(fr) > a#flag {
- background-image: url(french.gif);
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE8+ | Yes | Yes |
CSS 3 Pseudo-classes
The UI Element States Pseudo-classes
Some HTML elements have an enable or disabled state (for example, input fields) and checked or unchecked states (radio buttons and checkboxes). These states can be targeted by the :enabled
, :disabled
or :checked
pseudo-classes, respectively.
- input:disabled {
- background: #eee;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- color: #666;
- }
- input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
- color: red;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
CSS 3 Structural Pseudo-classes
The :nth-child(n)
pseudo-class allows you to target one or more specific children of a parent element.
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- .container p:nth-child(2) {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <div>
In this case, the third and sixth p elements will be red color.
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- /*******************
- The following expression will match every third p element starting from the first p element.
- *******************/
- .container p:nth-child(3n) {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <div>
In this case, every third p elements will be red color starting from the second p element.
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- /*******************
- The following expression will match every third p element starting from the second.
- *******************/
- .container p:nth-child(3n+2) {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <div>
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- .container p:nth-child(-n+4) {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <div>
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- .container p:nth-child(even) {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <div>
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Firefox 3.5+ | IE9+ | No | Yes |
The :nth-last-child(n)
pseudo-class works basically as the :nth-child(n)
pseudo-class, but it starts counting the elements from the last one.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Firefox 3.5+ | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
The :nth-of-type(n)
pseudo-class works just like the :nth-child(n)
, with the difference that it only counts children that match the element in the selector.
- .container p {
- color: black;
- }
- .container p:nth-child(2) {
- color: red; /* It doesn't work. */
- }
- .container p:nth-of-type(2) {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <h4>I am title.</h4>
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <p>I am black color.</p>
- <div>
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Firefox 3.5+ | IE9+ | No | Yes |
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Firefox 3.5+ | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
The :last-child
pseudo-class targets the last child of a parent element.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
The :only-child
pseudo-class represents an element that is the only child of its parent.
- .container p:only-child {
- color: red;
- }
- <div class="container">
- <p>I am red color.</p>
- </div>
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
selector:first-of-type, :last-of-type
The :first-of-type
pseudo-class is used to target an element that is the first of its type within its parent.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Firefox 3.5+ | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
The :only-of-type
pseudo-class represents an element that is the only child of its parent with the same element.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Firefox 3.5+ | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
The :empty
pseudo-class represents an element that has no content within it.
- .container .content:empty {
- display: none;
- }
The Negation Pseudo-class
The negation pseudo-class, :not(), lets you target elements that do not match the selector that is represented by its argument.
- div:not(#container) {
- color: red;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE9+ | Yes | Yes |
selector:before, selector:after
The :before
and :after
pseudo-elements are used to insert content before or after an element's content, purely via CSS.
- #container ol > li:before {
- background: #333;
- border-radius: 20px;
- color: #fff;
- content: counter(li);
- counter-increment: li;
- height: 20px;
- left: -25px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 1px;
- width: 20px;
- }
- .clearfix:before,
- .clearfix:after {
- content: " ";
- display: table;
- }
- .clearfix:after {
- clear: both;
- }
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | IE | Opera | Safari |
Yes | Yes | IE6+ | Yes | Yes |
The ::first-letter
pseudo-element will match the first letter of a block, unless it's preceded by some other content, like an image, on the same line.
The ::first-line
pseudo-element will match the first line of a block, inline-block, table-caption or table-cell level element.